Protect the Planet and Remove CO₂

We remove CO₂ permanently from the comfort of your home.
Start your weekly subscription today at $15.

This isn't just another home gadget—
It's a commitment to something bigger. Our in-home CO₂ capturing air filter is designed for those who care deeply about the planet and want to make a real difference.

While reducing indoor CO₂ levels, you’re not only improving your own space but actively participating in the fight against climate change. It’s energy-efficient, eco-friendly, and a step towards the sustainable future we all deserve.

- World's most efficient carbon capture material
- Safe and effortless for home use
- Negative carbon footprint
- Captured CO₂ is converted into rock dust at recycle

$15 weekly subscription

picture of wildfire

How It Works

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Place our CO₂ filter at home or office, or any location with ambient air flow and start capturing carbon.

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Place the saturated filter in our dedicated recycle bag every week on your garbage day.

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We pick them up from you, regenerate the filter and sequester the captured carbon permanently. If you're curious to see how that works, let us know and we'll show you.

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We deliver the regenerated filter back to you via e-bike or e-vehicle, so that a new round of capturing can start.


- How does this compare to plants?
- An average plant can only reduce up to 20% of CO₂, but our technology captures 95% as air flows through. Over a year, it absorbs as much CO₂ as a 5-year-old tree, making it 9-10x more effective than typical indoor plants. While trees are vital, rising temperatures and wildfires are destroying forests faster than we can replant, exacerbating the CO₂ crisis. The Canadian forests last year actually emitted more CO₂ due to wildfires. To combat this, we believe that both nature-based and technology-driven solutions must work together to address the climate challenge.

- What happens to the captured CO₂? Will it leak?
- We wash the captured CO₂ out of the saturated filters and sequester them permanently into a rock dust using a solution. This process happens at room temperature and requires no energy. We are looking to turn the rock dust into bricks and sculptures for storage. That process would also happen at room temperature and require no energy.

- What is the carbon footprint of manufacturing and regeneration? Any waste in the process?
- We're working on an LCA analysis for this, but manufacturing and shipping footprint would approximately be reversed in 2 regenerations. We do these before the product gets to you, so that your journey is completely carbon negative. Regeneration requires no energy.
Our air filters, along with their packaging, are regenerated and reused over and over until their natural wear and tear after 10+ years. The only "waste" that occur in this process is the rock dust thats gets generated in this process, which we're looking to make into bricks and sculptures. The rock dust exists naturally as well, so they are completely environmentally friendly.

- What is the scale?
- By using 3-4 of our products annually, we can help you capture and permanently sequester 11 kg of CO₂. While this might seem small per person, if every Vancouverite participated, it would total 28,600 tonnes of CO₂ – equivalent to filling 6,200 Olympic-sized swimming pools. This is CO₂ that traditional actions, like biking or tree planting, wouldn’t address.
And this is just the beginning. We're committed to continuous innovation and R&D to enhance the impact as we progress toward our mission.

- Are corporations more responsible for this than we are as individuals?
- Collaborating with corporations is part of our plan, so if you have any leads, feel free to share via the form below. However, we firmly believe that individual choices drive demand for sustainable products and influence corporate behaviour.
We got to this point together, and we will reverse it together — whether it's corporations, governments, or individuals.
Every step counts.

- Which research and scientists are involved?
- More information is available in the About section


our patented material for carbon capture

Efficient CO₂ Capture

Building upon decades of research with leading Professors in the area, we’ve developed a groundbreaking material, surpassing existing direct air capture technologies by threefold in capture efficiency. As ambient air flows through it, 95% of the CO₂ gets captured.

Safe for Home Use

Setting us apart from conventional direct air capture methods involving harsh chemicals, our innovative solution utilizes a solid composition crafted from materials akin to those used in drinking water filtration systems. This unique approach empowers people to safely capture CO₂ directly within the comfort of their homes, fostering a collective effort towards sustainability.

our patented material for CO2 capture
rock dust generated from our sequestration process

Minimal Environmental Footprint

Our products are assembled in BC, Canada. Our process undergoes a sustainable cycle of recycling, regeneration, and reuse, enduring for 10+ years until its natural wear and tear. Our recycling and regeneration processes are carbon negative and environmentally friendly. And we ensure the captured CO₂ become permanently sequestered in rock dust for 1000+ years.

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